Standard Monthly Package
$1,000 monthly retainer
15 billable hours per month
Customized service options to fit your needs
Premium Monthly Package
**Best Value**
$1,500 monthly retainer
25 billable hours per month
Customized service options to fit your needs
If more billable hours are required beyond initial package choice, the standard hourly rate is $60/hour. Package service will be customized for your needs. Minimum 3 month contract.
These services will be available upon request and billed separately.
Video equipment rentals
Website domain and website subscriptions
Ad spend money
Professional voice-overs
Video animations
Studio or location rentals
Actors or extras for photo & video shoots
Premium photo backgrounds
Mailchimp or newsletter subscriptions
Online event invitations costs
Direct mail campaigns and postage costs
External hard drives or thumb drives for client
Backup storage
Out of state travel
Additional film crew